“You don’t need to go out and buy a ton of plugin suites to get this stuff to work. The plugins that come with protools are pretty dang good as long as you use them correctly.” – Phil Allen
Watch Phil Allen mix this whole session almost exclusively with stock plugins. Rip off his techniques and learn to craft mixes with more clarity and impact, more dimension and depth, that can proudly stand next to anything else in your iTunes playlist.
Transform your home recordings into full sounding, radio ready mixes:
Phil Allen shows you how mix a pop song that has been recorded without any outboard gear, straight into protools – just like any home studio recording. Learn the mixing techniques and concepts you need to transform your raw recordings into full sounding, radio ready mix.
Achieve Pro Mixes With Plugins
Are you eager to craft professional sounding mixes on a modest homestudio setup?
Then you’ve come to the right place!
Phil shows you how to create competitive, industry-standard mixes using exclusively plugins.
This time around, there will be no gear-gap between you and your favourite producer.
If you’ve got a selection of go-to plugins, you’ll be able to replicate Phil’s process and achieve label-quality mixes in your home-studio!

Mixing Live & From Scratch
There are countless videos out there where pro engineers teach you cool new mixing tricks
However, these educational tidbits rarely give you the whole picture.
While it’s great to have techniques in your arsenal, the real question is:
- WHEN and WHY should you use them?
- What does the workflow of these engineers look like?
- What’s the reasoning behind their decisions?
This is why we’ve created this course.
It’ll let you witness a pro engineer at work, in real time.
You’ll get to watch every move Phil makes, listen to the exact audio he listens to at any given moment, discover what his workflow looks like, and receive in-depth explanations along the way.
There really is no better way to learn how to mix!
Mix Expressive & Gritty Vocals
Especially when working with a gifted singer like Morgan Mallory, your Vocal mixing better be on point!
Phil shows you the techniques you need to achieve a gritty and energetic vocal that cuts through the mix without ever sounding harsh, and teaches you how to process your BGVs to blend perfectly with the lead.

Create A Wall of Sound: Mixing Guitars
Great guitar tones are the heart of every Rock track.
However, you can easily run into trouble when layering multiple parts – acoustics as well as electric guitars.
Have you ever ended up with a washed-out mess, that lacks the definition and energy you’re looking for?
Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Today, you can make these issues a thing of the past.
Discover how to process your guitar sounds so that each part blends perfectly, while still having its own space in the mix.
Create Tension & Excitement
There is one thing that is often overlooked by beginners: However, Pro-engineers spend a lot of time on this matter:
Automation is the key to getting your mixes from good to great.
With this course, you’ll learn how to add extra movement, interest and excitement to a good static mix, and turn your song into a captivating classic.

Achieve A Powerful Low-End
It’s been said: ‘In mixing, the low-end is what separates the men from the boys.’
We agree! Learn how professional mixers manage their low-end to achieve massive punch, definition and energy.
Learn not just the how, but why
Watching Youtube tutorials and learning new techniques is great, but it can become confusing and overwhelming if you’re missing a plan, a strategy to approach your mixes. By understanding the why behind every mixing decision you’ll be able to really grow as a mixer.

This course is for you if:
• You’re wondering how to craft great sounding mixes in your home studio – even if you don’t own a lot of 3rd party plugins or gear.
• You want to make your home studio recordings sound amazing: You have written great songs and want to put your music out for everyone to enjoy, but you can’t seem to get the mixes and sound quality you’re looking for.
• The mixing process confuses you: You have watched lots of Youtube tutorials and learnt a ton of mixing techniques, but you’e missing a plan, a strategy to approach your mixes.
• You’re wondering how to make your mixes translate well in the real world.
• You’re looking to learn now techniques for making your mixes more spacious, achieve a defined low-end and polished vocal sound.
• You want your songs and mixes to stand out from the crowd and get noticed.
We’ve included the multitracks so you can mix the song for yourself. We’ve also included a license for you to use your mix on your website or portfolio to help you grow your mixing business.

Phil Allen
Phil Allen is a producer, engineer, multi instrumentalist. Starting out as Warren Huart’s intern at the age of 19, Phil has had a steep career: He became head engineer of “Harmony Studios” and later on “Spitfire Studios” where he worked with high profile producers and writers like Fraser T Smith,…
Learn MoreEndorsed by Legends and Pros Alike
Issac Slade
Jack Douglas
Joe Perry
John Krivit