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Kohle Audio Kult

Learn The Art Of Drum Programming From One Of The World’s Most Successful Metal Producers
For this comprehensive, 10h+ Drum Programming guide, we’ve brought in no other than the incredibly talented Misha Mansoor, Founder of Periphery.
Misha originally started out as the drummer for Periphery, then switched to guitar, and has subsequently been named one of the Top 20 guitarists of the 2010s by Guitar World Magazine.
He’s produced every single one of the 6 Periphery albums and released countless solo projects under his alias ‘Bulb’, which are all entirely self-written, performed, and programmed.
Quickly making a name for himself, Misha extended his production efforts to bands like Animals As Leaders, Veil of Maya, Born Of Osiris, Stray From The Path, and many more.
As a cherry on top, Misha is a total gearhead who has released multiple drum plugins with GetGood Drums and knows the technical side of drum software like the back of his hand.
That’s right, you’ll receive first-hand mentoring by a master-tier guitarist, drummer, producer, and drum software expert, all at the same time!
With this course, Misha will turn you into a Drum Programming Ninja.
From technical aspects such as selecting your software and setting up your DAW to coming up with grooves and fills that enhance the production, all the way to humanization and refining your parts.
Misha reveals the techniques he’s developed in over a decade of producing Metal at the highest level.
You’ll get to watch Misha break down his drum programming for 5 songs in 5 different Rock genres: Both of his solo projects as ‘Bulb’, as well as the Periphery song ‘Blood Eagle’.
But there is more!
As an exclusive bonus, Misha produces a completely new song from scratch in real-time, including bass, guitars, and drums right in front of your eyes.
If you want to achieve pro-results with your drum programming, there really is no better way than learning from one of the most successful producers out there.
So what are you waiting for?
Pick up this course today, and take your sound and productions to a new level!

What You’ll Learn
A Comprehensive Guide To Drum Programming
If you’re just starting out—especially as a non-drummer—learning how to program drums can feel like a daunting task.
You probably ask questions like:
- Where do I start?
- Which software do I need?
- How can I get creative and come up with interesting grooves?
- How do I make programmed drums sound like a real performance?
Whether you’re a total beginner or have some experience programming drums:
We’ve designed this course to be the only drum programming guide you’ll ever need.
With over 10 hours of detailed instruction, Misha guides you every step of the way to programming realistic, dynamic, and impactful drum parts.
From session setup and technical aspects of using the software to understanding drum patterns, all the way to an efficient workflow, boosting your creativity, and the final mixing process.
Program Drums That Feel Like A Real Drummer
Have you ever had this experience?
You’ve spent hours and days coming up with amazing guitar riffs, basslines, and vocal parts. Your song is coming together perfectly.
All that’s missing is a great drum performance that will add the final lift in energy and excitement.
However, you might not have access to a great-sounding room to record drums in. Perhaps you’re lacking the necessary recording equipment, or you don’t have access to a seasoned, inspiring session drummer.
So you decide to program the drums yourself.
But even after sifting to countless midi libraries, auditioning hundreds of drum loops, and trying to add custom fills, breaks, and ghost notes, the drum parts STILL don’t cut it.
Something is missing. Somehow, you can tell that this isn’t a real performance.
The parts you created don’t have the energy and excitement that a real drummer would bring to the table when rocking out live with the band.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone!
This course is designed to make these issues a thing of the past. And allow you to create massive and exciting drum parts and songs that’ll leave your fans speechless.
Inside, you’ll learn how to program drums that sound so realistic and nuanced people will believe an actual pro-drummer performed your session.
From the drum sound to groove, feel, patterns, and fills:
Literally, not even experienced producers will be able to tell the difference!

Programming Drums For 5 Songs In 5 Different Rock Genres
As with everything in music, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to drum programming.
What’s the perfect drum part?
– It depends on the vibe of the song and the production!
With this course, Misha guides you through programming drums for a wide variety of Rock genres and shares a multitude of different approaches to inspire you to find the perfect drum parts for YOUR songs.
Get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at Misha’s thought process behind programming:
- Bulb – Parabolica (Progressive Metal)
- Bulb – Breeze (Rock)
- Bulb – Echo Teuffel (Relaxed, Utilizing Odd Time Signatures)
- Bulb – Unleash the ponies (Death Metal, Tec Metal)
- Periphery – Blood Eagle (Metalcore)
and get your creative juices flowing!

Use Drum Programming As An Inspirational Tool
With Matt Halpern as Periphery’s drummer, Misha literally has one of the world’s best drummers at his fingertips.
Why would be bother programming drums at all?
The answer is simple:
Misha uses it as an inspirational tool, allowing him to experiment and develop fresh ideas during the songwriting process.
In this course, you’ll learn how to:
- Switch up grooves to create intriguing variations for different sections of the song
- Create with fascinating fills to build tension and excitement
- Use different time signatures to completely change the feeling of your guitar riffs
- Program drum parts in a supportive role (e.g. during a guitar solo), vs. taking center stage in highly rhythmical sections
By applying the techniques Misha teaches you in this course, you’ll never run out of ideas again and possibly come up with a whole new sound for your band that you’ve never thought of before!
Adopt A Reliable, Highly Efficient Workflow
A big part of making drum programming a fun and creative process is being able to do it FAST.
By moving quickly, you’ll be able to stay in your creative zone, and program feel and energy instead of worrying about technical details.
In this course, Misha teaches you a foolproof method that will greatly enhance your creativity and speed.
Discover how to set up your software, routing, and drum maps and create a convenient template.
So all you’ll have to do is load it up with one click and get creative.

Creative & Musical
Drum Programming
Sometimes, Drum Programming can feel like a laborious and boring process.
Aimlessly drawing in midi notes and altering velocities is simply not fun nor inspiring.
What we really want is to get creative!
We want to get away from the basic beats and create custom grooves, interesting fills, and arrangements that add a new level of tension and excitement to the song.
In other words: we want to be able to PROGRAM FEEL and bring our musical vision to life.
In this course, you’ll learn how to do exactly that! Discover:
- How a drummer thinks and approaches writing parts that enhance the production
- Beats and fills for the different Rock/Metal genres
- The thought process behind picking the perfect drum kit components for your song
- How to come up with interesting grooves
- How to humanize your parts, create intriguing dynamics and accents like a real drummer would
Even as a non-drummer, you’ll be able to come up with your own unique grooves and create the energy, excitement, and tension you’ve always wanted for your songs.
Achieve A Massive, 3-Dimensional Drum Mix
Originally, our plan was to purely focus on drum programming with this course.
However, we want to ensure that you walk away with a fantastic end result.
Not only with great new beats but a full-fledged song that you can be proud of, which is instantly ready for release on Itunes or Spotify.
That’s why we’ve decided to include a Mixing chapter, where Misha shows you how to make programmed drums sound alive, 3-dimensional, and help them sit well in the mix.
Discover a wide variety of Mixing techniques, ranging from Compression and EQ to Saturation, parallel processing, tape emulation, transient designers, Multiband Compression, Sidechain Compression, and Reverbs, all the way to the final Masterbus processing.

Meet Your Mentor:
Misha Mansoor (Periphery)
Misha Mansoor is currently one of the most successful Metal producers on the planet. Originally starting out as the drummer for Periphery, Misha then switched to being the band's lead-guitarist and producer, and has subsequently been named one of the Top 20 guitarists of the 2010s by Guitar World Magazine. Misha’s produced every single one of the 6 Periphery albums, as well as released countless solo-projects under his alias ‘Bulb’, which are all entirely self- written, performed and programmed. Quickly making a name for himself, Misha extended his production efforts to bands like Animals As Leaders, Veil of Maya, Born Of Osiris, Stray From The Path and many more. Misha is a total gear-head, who has released guitar pedals, multiple plugin lines with GetGood Drums, as well as JST, and knows the technical side of the music production process like the back of his hand.
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What is at stake if you don’t grab
The Ultimate Drum Programming Course today?
The Ultimate Drum Programming Course today?
Allow me to pose a question to you:
Why put all that time, effort, emotion, passion, and energy into writing your song, getting it perfectly structured, recording amazing bass, guitar, and vocal parts—just to slap subpar drums on it, and end up with a mediocre end result?
What is at stake is this: without The Ultimate Drum Programming Course, you will continue to spin your wheels and have your productions sound the same – for at least a few more months.
Why not skip months or years of painful trial and error to figure out drum programming on your own?
Today, you have the chance to learn cutting-edge techniques that are currently used by one of the most sought-after Metal producers in the world. Pick up this course now, make Misha’s workflow your own, and add a whole new level of energy and excitement to your songs.
We’re so confident that this content will help you that we’re offering a 30-day refund guarantee.
There will be no hard feelings if it doesn’t work for you. You can even keep the files!
There, we literally removed any downside for you. Now, the choice is yours.