As musicians and artists, we want ONE thing: To express ourselves through our music and to write captivating songs that people around the world connect with.

A question that often comes up is:

Is it even possible to make professional music and achieve success by recording in a small home studio?

Mimi Page is a prime example that the answer is: YES!

Ever since she was a kid, she produced music on a minimalistic setup at home: A simple interface, one micophone, a midi keyboard and a few VSTs. – That’s it!

Yet, her music has made its way to be featured on some of of the biggest TV shows including America’s Got Talent, The Following and Dark, as well as multiple Video games, such as Fallout 4 and League of Legends.

In this course, she shows you how YOU can create captivating songs in your home studio.

Songs that express how you feel and that touch your listeners emotionally.

Learn her complete production process, all the way from coming up with chord progressions, to crafting beats, blending multiple instruments and crafting lush vocal arrangements that draw your listeners in.


What You’ll Learn

Find an engaging song idea

A song is only ever as good as its core idea. Even if a song is stripped down to only a few key components, it still needs to convey the message and feeling you’re trying to get across.

Learn how to draw from your life experiences to come up with an engaging musical foundation, which sparks your creativity and inspires you add additional layers of production.

Help the song build and progress

Once you’ve nailed your core idea, it’s time to enhance the production to add depth, dimension and tension to the song.

Captivate your listeners by blending multiple layers of instruments and harmonies and help the song build and progress over time.


Craft captivating beats

In modern music, a great beat is a big reason why people fall in love with a song.

That’s why we’re often tempted to go out and buy one drum library after another to have the best samples at our disposal.

However, having hundreds and thousands of samples at your fingertips may actually slow down your creative process, simply by providing you with too many options.

Instead, Mimi shows you how you can cut up the stock loops in Logic X and process them with creative effects, to craft a unique beat that fits your song perfectly.

3-Dimensional Vocal Arrangements

In almost any genre, vocals are the most important part of the song. They’re what people remember and what they connect with emotionally.

Learn Mimi’s unique approach to treating her vocals like a lead instrument and see how she layers multiple background harmonies to craft a 3-dimensional and ethereal vocal sound.

multitracks (1)

Multitracks to Build Your Resume

‘Ophelia’ stems included.

We include the stems of Mimi’s song ‘Ophelia’ with this course.

Her vocal arrangements have been highly popular with EDM producers, so if you’re feeling creative and want to do your own remix of this song, this is your chance!



Endorsed by Legends and Pros Alike

Isaac Slade

Issac Slade

Singer/Songwriter The Fray
Jack Douglas

Jack Douglas

Legendary Producer
Joe Perry

Joe Perry

Guitarist – Aerosmith
John Krivit

John Krivit

Past President, Audio Engineering Society

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you follow your dreams and try to build a career for yourself, there’s always risk involved. But if you truly want to be successful in music, the bigger risk is NOT taking action at all. Even the best engineers in the audio industry keep learning new things on a daily basis – it’s THAT important!

This is a great opportunity to learn from one of the best Mixing Engineers in the industry.

So let me ask you: What is the bigger risk? Not taking this course and having your productions stagnate over the next months, or spending a few bucks to learn new concepts that could change your music forever?

However, I want to make 100% sure that you can only win with this purchase. So I’m including a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee for you! You can pick up this course right now, and if it doesn’t help you take your tracks to the next level you’ll get a full refund, no questions asked. You can even keep the files!

So don’t pass up on this!

Frequently Asked Questions

This course can be both streamed and downloaded. You’ll have access to download the files and stream any course for life!

Nope! The concepts and techniques that we teach will apply to any major DAW like Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, Cubase, Reaper, Fruity Loops, Studio One and other similar platforms. All of these DAWs have great stock plugins!

Not exclusively, but you will absolutely see some stock plugins!

Our courses are for everyone passionate about music, from beginners to professionals. Your mentors explain both HOW and WHY they use specific concepts and techniques.

Yup! We include a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee for every single course and bundle we offer! If any of our lessons don’t help you take your tracks to the next level you’ll get a full refund, no questions asked. You can even keep the files!