Hailing from rainy West Tennesse, USA, Myk Robinson is known in some circles as "America's Favorite Small Brown Man." An IT Administrator by day and audio engineer and producer by night, Myk spends a great deal of time in the trenches, working with local and regional bands to help them capture and release their singles and EPs. Although Myk does not have formal training as an audio engineer, years of hands on experience working with performers has taught him a lot, and he thoroughly enjoys sharing what he has learned.
Working from home during COVID led Myk to start a YouTube channel to begin sharing his love for all things REAPER, and also to begin teaching himself to edit video. Fast forward to just over a year later, and Let's Talk About REAPER has about five thousand subscribers.Viewers tend to appreciate his laid back delivery method, with each video being short and to the point, but also packed with information and entertaining. Myk has the heart of a teacher and absolutely loves connecting with other REAPER users. Some of the limitations of YouTube with regards to communicating with the audience lead Myk to start The Unofficial REAPER Users Group on Discord, which as of this writing is nearing 2000 members in less than a year.
Myk is primarily a guitarist and bassist and has played in several regional punk, rock, and metal bands for over twenty years. It's been said that you can always find a singer and a guitar player, but reliable drummers and bassists are a hard find for many. This concept lead to Myk learning to play the drums after having a drummer from one of his bands move out of state. Of course, learning to play the drums lead to wanting to learn to record drums. Myk has spent the past few years refining the art of tracking live drums, as well as editing multi-mic drum performances with multiple takes. He takes a light handed approach to editing and has an old school "get it right at the source" attidue, but also understands that technology is here to help, and ultimately desires to blend the conveniences of modern technolgy with some of the concepts taken from traditional "old school" recording methodology.
Myk is happily married, with three adult children and a rather large Brazilian Mastiff named Belle.